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 auto             Automatic Data Storage Class
 bcd              Binary Coded Decimal Type
 catch            Reserved
 cdecl            External Name Modifier
 char             Character Data Type
 class            Class Definition Type
 complex          Complex Data Type
 const            Constant Data Type Modifier
 Constants        C++ Language Constants
 double           Double-Precision Floating-Point Data Type
 enum             Enumeration Data Type
 extern           External Data Storage Class
 far              far -- Non-Standard Type Modifier
 float            Single-Precision Floating-Point Data Type
 friend           Object Scope Modifier
 huge             huge-Non-Standard Type Modifier
 inline           Inline Function Modifier
 int              Integer Data Type
 long             Long Integer Data Type
 near             near -- Non-Standard Type Modifier
 operator         operator Type
 pascal           Pascal Calling Sequence Modifier
 private          Access Restriction Modifier
 protected        Partial Access Restriction Modifier
 public           Global Access Modifier
 register         Register Data Storage Class
 short            Short Integer Data Type
 signed           Signed Integer Data Type
 static           Static Data Storage Class
 struct           Structure Data Type
 template         Reserved
 Type Modifiers   Keywords That Modify Data Types
 typedef          Derived Data Type Specifier
 Types            Data and Function Return Types
 union            Union Data Type
 unsigned         Unsigned Integral Data Type
 virtual          Virtual Function Modifier
 void             The Void Function Return Type
 volatile         Volatile Data Type Modifier

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson